About the Artist

The vast expanse of the sea is a blank canvas for me – full of mystery, the unknown, and a world in flux. Through my work, I strive to visually capture feelings that are difficult to distill in words. Feelings of curiosity, wonder and awe; a desire to understand an ever-changing world.

Scenes of icebergs interacting with lush summer landscapes, timeless ruins surfacing from the depths, and secluded shorelines show how the familiar can shift and alter our experience of a place and time. Figures stand with their backs turned, inviting viewers to imagine themselves as participants, transfixed witnesses to the grandeur before them.

On the surface, the sea can appear calm and serene. But below the waves lies a different realm – hidden creatures, mysteries, secrets waiting to be discovered. It sparks questions without answers, a hopeful curiosity about the unfamiliar, a serene acceptance of forces beyond our control.

My work doesn’t aim to capture natural beauty alone, but to use surrealism to draw viewers into my own exploration. To contemplate the uncertainties of our changing world, the temporary nature of permanence, and our place within it all.

I invite viewers to participate alongside the silent witnesses in these liminal realms, looking outward. To find resonance in the uncertainty, embrace life’s continual evolution, and seek meaning, however fleeting, within a constantly transforming world

As an artist, I have been fortunate enough to live and work in a number of vibrant and diverse cities. Growing up in Milan, I was drawn to the city’s rich artistic heritage and its enduring beauty. I was inspired by the historic architecture and the vibrant culture of the city, and was deeply influenced by Italy’s rich history, culture, and language.

I then spent a large portion of my life in New York, where I was enveloped by the bustling streets and vibrant arts scene of the city. Having lived in both Brooklyn and Manhattan, I was surrounded by art galleries and people who shared my passions. I pursued graduate studies at FIT and also studied painting at the Art Students League, where I was fortunate to have renowned teachers such as Terence Coyle and Cornelia Foss.

I moved to Tel Aviv in 2009 and became enthralled with the city’s diverse and dynamic culture. Living on the coast, a short walk to the beach, I was deeply influenced by the power and pull of the Mediterranean sea, which now informs my current work in a fundamental way. I am excited to continue to explore new ideas and techniques in my work, and to continue to be inspired by the vibrant cities that have shaped me.